Software testing - Automation testing Framework - Main Qualities 1. Reliable 2. Repeat 3. Reusable 4. Maintainability 1. Paid tool - QTP, Load, Test... 2. Open source - Selenium, Jmeter..... Selenium - Components 1. IDE 2. RC - thoughtworks - java script(client server) - deprecated no more support Jason Huggins 2004 3. Webdriver = google -Simon stewart =2008 4. Grid selenium Supports - web based applications, mobile app(Android, Iphone) supporting browser: firefox, ie, chrome, opera, safari, html driver(headless mode), android, iphone latest version selenium : 2.41, 2.42.2 selenium can support: Java, c#, ruby, phyton Add on tools/ S/w : Java installed, configured Fire fox browser(auto update stop) Locating elements: 1. url 2. text box 3. buttons.... Using firefox with add-on tools: 1. Firebug 2. Fire finder 3. ide 4. Xpath checker We can locate an element by using the following: 1. Id 2. name 3. Class 4. xpath 5. Link 6. Dom 7. Css <html> <h1> </h1> <h2> </h2> <body> <input> <div id=uname Login Id > <div id=pass password > <a id=signin Login > </body> </html>

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